How to do a hundred pushups

Pushups Gear

Pushups can be easily trained without any gear. But.. if you are into pushups, there are a few products that might just meet your needs.

Pushups bars (handles)

Pushups bars are great for people with inflexible writs who experience discomfort when doing pushups.

Of course most of the time if you train long enough the wrists will strenghten up and the pain should go away but if you do not want to wait, you can try with the handles

One cool feature of the bars is that they also allow you to go deeper in your pushups, which can be beneficial for your chest muscles. Also if you train with your legs elevated (a difficult version of pushups) the bars will prevent you from having to tilt your head to the back not to hit the ground.

Some of the best bars from Amazon:

Thera are also products like pushup boards or rotating pushup bars, but we do not recommend these. The above are best solutions for deeper pushups without wrist pains.

Weighted vests

If you do more then 50 pushups, additnal pushups typically increase your endurance but will not so much grow your musles. If you want to double down on incrasing your muscles, using a weighted vest for your pushup routine might be an option.

For puhups special considerationg have to be taken when buing a vest. First, it should have adjustable weight, so that you can change it as you progress. Adittionally it has to be really adjustable so that it fits well.

Below are some of our choices

  • MVRK Weighted Vest a really good vest, though not the cheapest. But you do not want to compromise on quality here too much. You want your vest to sit thight and be comfortable.
  • miR Air Flow adjustable between 20-60lbs.
  • Vest by Gymnastics Power adjustable wights up to 60lb

An imporant thing to remember is that if you buy a vest and train with a vest, you will most likely need pushup bars to be able to go low. All the vests have at least some of the weight at the front which will block you from doing full pushups if you train directly on the grond!

Disclaimer: The links above are obviously Amazon affilate links ;)
