How to do a hundred pushups

26-30 Push Ups

If you did 26-30 push ups in the test
Day 1
60 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 4
60 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 14 set 1 21
set 2 18 set 2 25
set 3 14 set 3 21
set 4 14 set 4 21
set 5 max (minimum 20) set 5 max (minimum 27)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 2
  90 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 5
90 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 20 set 1 25
set 2 25 set 2 29
set 3 15 set 3 25
set 4 15 set 4 25
set 5 max (minimum 23) set 5 max (minimum 30)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 3
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 6
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 20 set 1 29
set 2 27 set 2 33
set 3 18 set 3 29
set 4 18 set 4 29
set 5 max (minimum 25) set 5 max (minimum 33)
Minimum 2 day break Minimum 2 day break

Push-Ups in the Military: A Staple of Physical Conditioning

From time immemorial, the military across various nations has incorporated push-ups as a fundamental part of their physical training regimen. It's seen not just as an exercise to build physical strength, but as a vital tool to evaluate a soldier's readiness and endurance. Here’s why push-ups hold a central place in military training:

Physical Fitness and Readiness

Soldiers are often required to bear heavy loads, whether it's carrying equipment or possibly even aiding injured comrades on the battlefield. Push-ups help in building upper body strength, essential in performing these tasks effectively. Moreover, a soldier with a well-conditioned body is less likely to incur injuries, ensuring they remain a robust member of their unit.

Additionally, the functional strength developed through regular push-up routines prepares soldiers for the rigors they face in various terrains. It’s not uncommon to find soldiers having to push, lift, or carry objects as a part of their duties, and the push-up ensures they are well-prepared to undertake these physically demanding tasks.

A Measure of Discipline and Resilience

The push-up is as much about mental grit as it is about physical strength. The discipline required to perform push-ups correctly, maintaining form even as the body tires, is a testament to a soldier's mental fortitude. This resilience translates well into a soldier's professional life, where they might face situations that demand both physical and mental endurance.

A Tool for Camaraderie and Team Building

In the military, push-ups are often used as a tool to foster camaraderie and team spirit. Units might engage in friendly competitions to see who can do the most push-ups, fostering a sense of unity and competitive spirit that bonds members together. Furthermore, performing push-ups as a group encourages soldiers to push past their limits, motivated by the collective effort of their peers.

Versatility and Accessibility

One of the greatest advantages of push-ups is their versatility and accessibility. They require no equipment, allowing soldiers to perform them anywhere, at any time. This simplicity means that even in remote locations or under constrained circumstances, soldiers can maintain their physical conditioning with nothing more than their body weight.

Integration into Fitness Tests

In various militaries, push-ups are integrated into fitness tests, used as a barometer to assess a soldier's physical condition and readiness for service. A specific number of push-ups within a set time frame can be a requirement, with soldiers working diligently to meet or exceed these standards. The ability to perform push-ups efficiently can often be a decisive factor in a soldier's progression within the military hierarchy.

Rehabilitation and Recovery

Interestingly, push-ups also find a place in rehabilitation programs within the military. The exercise can be modified to suit individuals recovering from injuries, helping them regain strength and mobility gradually. This facet of push-ups showcases the adaptability of the exercise, catering to a wide range of physical capabilities and requirements.

Preparing for Combat Scenarios

In combat scenarios, soldiers might find themselves in situations where they have to quickly move, take cover, or engage in hand-to-hand combat. Push-ups help in developing the necessary strength and speed for these actions, ensuring soldiers are prepared for the physical demands of combat.

Developing Leadership Qualities

Leadership in the military often involves leading by example. Officers and senior members demonstrating physical fitness through exercises like push-ups set a standard for their units, fostering a culture of excellence and commitment to physical conditioning.

In conclusion, push-ups serve a multifaceted role in the military, extending far beyond just physical conditioning. They act as a tool for assessment, a means to foster unity and camaraderie, and a method to develop resilience and mental fortitude. The humble push-up stands as a testament to the synergy between mind and body, a synergy that is at the very heart of military training. Through push-ups, soldiers are not only conditioned to meet the physical demands of their roles but also develop attributes that make them leaders, team players, and resilient individuals ready to face the challenges that come their way. It's no wonder that this simple yet effective exercise continues to be a central component in the physical training regimens of militaries worldwide.